Thursday, 4 August 2016

Dark Music Review – Warrior Sound

Dark Music Review – Warrior Sound

Review Written by Casey Douglass

Warrior Sound CD Art

My first experience of The Qemist’s mix of electronic rock, breakbeats and ear-worming vocals was at a gig where they were supporting Crossfaith, a fantastic pairing of two bands that share a love of pumped up electronic melodies draped over a thumping heavy metal skeleton. Think Frankenstein’s monster, but with a DJ deck and a guitar instead of a bolt through the neck and a strange walk. Suffice to say that after hearing The Qemists at that gig, I made sure to buy their 3rd studio album Warrior Sound at the next possible opportunity.

Warrior Sound is a 12 track album that opens with an intro track that puts me a little in mind of the start of Kick-Ass, like the backing track to the amateur superhero before they fly off into the night (or crash onto the roof of a car). Once we are through that, we are onto the meat of the album, which features songs that contain a heady mix of rock, electronica and drum and bass. If you are a fan of The Prodigy, Chase and Status, or similar bands, you will likely find something to enjoy here. As an example, Push The Line is a track that I clicked with well because it put me strongly in mind of No More Idols era Chase and Status, the only album I successfully got into of C&S. I think the “They won’t bring me down!” hook and the way the music builds and swells just appeals to me in a way that not all electronic and d&b stuff can.

The Qemists With Kenta Koie
A photo taken by myself showing Kenta Koie on stage with The Qemists for Anger.
The Qemists are masters of ear-worming lyrics that also manage to mean something and pump up the listener. A fine example is Anger featuring Crossfaith’s Kenta Koie. This is a rumbling roiling track that bubbles under the chorus, which includes the line “See we're two wolves inside, my anger salivates”, which I particularly like. Certainly a song about empowering yourself and holding to your own course, not being swayed by the haters and the weak. This is an element that runs through much of Warrior Sound, the us against them mentality and intolerance towards the inequalities in our society. A perfect example of this is Jungle, featuring Hactivist, an expansive track with vocals that punch and spit before the main pounding chorus takes over. Run You is another hyping up track, an anthem that says: “don’t let them run you” and to do what you want to do, interspersed with textured electronic sounds and a fast-paced beat. This track is a good one to head-bang to as well.

Warrior Sound is a fine album and one that could likely appeal to metal heads just as surely as fans of drum and bass. If your music taste lies in one of these areas, check it out and see if it’s your thing. If it is, you might like to check out Crossfaith too, although in my opinion, they inject a bit more metal into their music. I give Warrior Sound 4.5/5.

Visit The Qemists at this link for tour info etc., and take a watch of their video for Run You from their official YouTube channel below:

Album Title: Warrior Sound
Artist: The Qemists
Label: Amazing Record Co.
Genre: Dance, Electronic, Rock
Released: 4 March 2016

Warrior Sound CD Cover Image © Copyright The Qemists