I'm not feeling very wordy of late, but I wanted to do a little post about a charity bundle that helps a worthy cause, and is also a fantastic way to boost your dark ambient music collection. Dark ambient label Cryo Chamber has put up 10 albums (with another to unlock shortly) for sale in the usual bundle fashion: the more you pay, the more you get.
Currently, in the $2 minimum category: 2145 by Sabled Sun, Winter Restlessness by Mount Shrine, The Old City OST by Atrium Carceri, Visitors by EXIMIA and Cthulhu by Cryo Chamber.
In the $4 category, as well as receiving the above, you currently get: Dredge Portals by God Body Disconnect, Be Left to Oneself by Keosz, Exoplanetary by Ruptured World, Markland by Northumbria and Heralds by World Clock.
Once the $2000 milestone has been reached (and it almost has), Miles to Midnight by Cryo Chamber will also be thrown into the mix for everyone.
The charity that is benefiting from these sales is the American Tinnitus Association, a body that has already funded tinnitus research to the tune of over $6 million since 1980, and most of this has been as seed grants into new promising areas of study.
The Cryo Chamber bundle ends 23 January 2019, so if you are interested, head over to the Groupees page here to purchase yours now.