Sunday, 3 April 2016

Dark Gig - Mushroomhead, Sanguine and Nervewrecker

Another night, another fine heavy metal gig at the Norwich Waterfront. While I am still a bit disappointed that American Headcharge had to pull out, I'm happy to say that this gig was one of the best that I've been to. Each band had something different to offer and I came away genuinely liking each band, which is rare as in my experience, there is usually at least one band at a gig that I end up feeling 'meh' about. Not last night.

First up was Nervewrecker, a band I knew nothing about before last night. Once their heavily distorted sound began to pulse through me, I decided there and then that I would check out their album, which is something I will get around to today.

After Nervewrecker came Sanguine, a female-fronted rock/metal band that I wasn't too sure about before the gig. I'd checked out their music videos on YouTube and felt that I'd like them but I wasn't predicting how good they would be live. They were great! They also did a cover of an American Headcharge song and did it really really well, which I am sure earned them a large amount of goodwill from people still smarting about AHC's absence.

Last up was Mushroomhead, an American metal band with a theatrical look that bring some monster songs to the party. They were also joined on stage by singer Jackie LaPonza for two or three songs, her own costumes doing well to compete with the strangeness of the band's. They were epic and I hope they come back to Norwich in the future.