By Casey Douglass
as part of #fridayflash
His jaw really is
slack, that’s why we call him Slackjaw. He’s not a person, not
really, he’s more a nightmare given form. His jaw hangs down so low
that it dangles like a dewdrop enveloped in taut skin, his chin half
way down his chest. The rest of the head looks human enough, but old,
really old, and the skin is mottled and red. Oh and his eyes are
grey, vacant and dull, as if his mind fled such a vessel many moons
Nobody can remember
when we first started seeing him. Early sightings were confused and
vague and spoke of him flickering and fading from view. People took
more of an interest when the murders started though, each body found
with its mouth hung low, signs of force on the cheeks making it
appear that it was wrenched down by great violence.
What was a strange and
almost pitiful creature became the devil over night, the manner of
his appearances making it plain that there was no way to keep him
out, no barricade or lock, no hidey hole or strongroom.
He worked his way
through the town, the newly dead found almost every day. Then it was
my turn.
I was struggling to eat
my breakfast one morning, a softball to the chin having broken my jaw
a week previous. Curved prongs of metal wired it shut so that the
bones could set. It wasn’t conducive to eating cereal though.
I remember pushing the
bowl away, pain flaring across my face. A movement at the window
caught my eye and there he was, Slackjaw come for me. I tried to
shout but all that escaped my dental prison was a shrieking mumbling
noise like a cat caught in a lawnmower.
He pressed his face to
the glass and seemed to push into it without breaking it, his teeth
somehow clacking as they passed through.
I was on my feet now,
my back planted firmly to the opposite wall.
He seemed to sniff the
air, looking left and right and then back at me. He snorted, saliva
bubbling from somewhere deep inside him and erupting like a frothy
white volcano from the folds of his cheeks.
I closed my eyes and
trembled. I waited. I waited for what felt like a long time but in
reality I am sure it could only have been seconds. I waited and
nothing happened.
When I opened my eyes
again, I found myself alone, the sounds of the world outside of the
house seeming normal, comforting. I ran to my neighbours and
collapsed on their doorstep after I rang the bell.
We never did catch
Slackjaw. I’m not sure he is even catchable. My story soon spread
and people came up with a solution. Everyone in town, all four and a
bit thousand of us now have our jaws wired shut, have had them that
way for the last year. It was reckoned that he saw my metal
contraption and figured I was too much bother to take on. It worked,
we haven’t seen Slackjaw since.
I sometimes don’t
know what’s worse though, the threat of him coming back one day, or
a town without a voice.