Review of The Campground
A film directed by Roman Jossart
Review written by Casey Douglass
(I was given a free copy to review)
I never was a fan of
camping. I didn’t mind the weather or the cold; it was the hard
ground that always got to me. I know you can buy those little
mattress/padded things but then it’s not really camping is it. You
might as well just take your bed!
Well this film doesn’t
improve my opinion on camping one bit, although it does do the
important public service of hammering home the idea that you
shouldn’t just camp any-old-where. You might just end up dead!
The Campground
begins with a bickering couple driving through sunny fields on the
way to a birthday party. They stop for a toilet break and both end up
being off’ed before they manage to get back to the car. The title
credits roll and the film proper starts. So far so good.
The film revolves
around a camp ground in which a mother killed her son in the 80’s.
It’s now the present day and a group of friends gather there to
party, drink and have sex. In typical horror fashion, they get
separated by call’s of nature, the need to fuck and to selfishly
smoke joints without sharing. You can imagine what happens to most of
I really liked some of
the angles and techniques used in shooting the film. I’m no movie
expert but I just knew what I liked. For some of the scenes, the
camera is at an angle and this allows the scene to be framed in a
novel way, such as the ladder going up to a bunk-bed when Brandon
(played by the director) lays on his bed beneath. There is also a
great scene in a cabin where the camera changes to the hand-held kind
and follows the view of a torch-beam. With the other stuff going on
like thumps and panicky breathing, it was a really effective change
of pace.
The soundtrack to the
film was well thought out, beginning with the punk rock styling of
The Vains but soon switching up to the usual creepy piano and
ambient menace of a horror film. The only issue I had with the rest
of the audio was that in some scenes, particularly an early one
around the camp fire, the audio of the actors was very hard to pick
out against the other ambient sounds. This didn’t really occur as
the film went on but was a little disappointing.
The acting in the film
varied from very good to a bit flat which affected the tone of some
of the scenes. A notable one was after the dead body of someone was
found and one character gets up and suggests going for help in such
an emotionless way that the scene was ruined for me. Thankfully the
majority of the film was suitably gripping and enjoyable.
The horror itself was
done very well, with nice gruesome effects and variety in the various
demises of the friends. It made good use of flashbacks to tell the
tale of the original 80’s tragedy and also a character’s
memories. These utilised bright colours which were a stark contrast
to the murky darkness of night that cloaks the action in the rest of
the film.
Throughout the film
there was some humour and some references to other horror tropes,
explicitly referenced in character dialogue or just written on the
props. I liked this, especially the typical doughnut eating cop that
turns up at one point.
I enjoyed The
Campground. As an homage to 80’s horror I think it nails it.
The flaws mentioned above are negligible when you look at the film as
a whole, and for Roman Jossart’s first film, it is a fine effort.
Rating: 3.5/5
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