Wednesday, 14 August 2019

GAMING NEWS: PC Building Simulator is Now Available on Console

GAMING NEWS: PC Building Simulator is Now Available on Console

PC Building Simulator

I always keep an eye on the various simulator games available for PC. It's one of the reasons that I love PC as a platform, as you get to see all sorts of interesting and niche creations. The Irregular Corporation's PC Building Simulator might have been deemed one of those games, once upon a time, but now, it's only gone and flipping released for PS4, Xbox and Nintendo Switch!

The original version of PC Building Simulator started out as a free tech demo on and went on to sell 750K copies as a full release. It certainly seems to be a great example of an idea proving itself viable, which is refreshing in this day and age of rehash reboots and compulsive sequelitis.

PC Building Simulator
Tim's RED HOT Repairs sounds like a porno movie waiting to happen...
PC Building Simulator does come with a story mode, one in which you find yourself taking over your uncle's PC workshop, having to diagnose and fix your customers' PCs. There is also a Free Build mode in which you can build goliath PCs that you would likely only ever dream of owning in real life. As a consequence, the game features a variety of real world brands and components, so you can aspire to churn out those quad-sli gaming PCs to your virtual delight, and not have to remortgage your house to pay for them! The only thing you'll be missing out on are the sore thumbs from having to insert so many cables, and the swearing session as that CPU heat-sink assembly always ends up needing a lot more pressure to clip in place than you anticipated.

PC Building Simulator
If a GPU isn't overclocked, you obviously worship at the altar of Warranty.
Visit PC Building Simulator for a more in-depth look at the game, and keep an eye open for it in your gaming console's store. The pictures above are all from the PS4 version and the launch trailer below is one from the PC version. Just FYI.